Accounts Receivable Software
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Alex, CEO, on Inside a CEO’s Mind [Podcast]

Inside Upflow

Kelly Percillier

Nov 2, 2022

Our co-founder & CEO, Alex Louisy, was Yacine’s guest on “Inside a CEO’s Mind” to discuss how we are building Upflow and helping B2B companies control their destiny. In this insightful conversation, Alex shares his journey, the challenges faced, and the strategies employed to grow Upflow over the past four years. This episode offers a deep dive into the key figures, customer profiles, and the importance of finding product-market fit. Additionally, Alex talks about his motivations, the importance of a give-back culture, and offers valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Listen to the episode here 🔗

00:00 — Introductory words

04:00 — Alex’s background

07:30 — Upflow’s value proposition and vision

11:00 — Nailing your niche

15:30 — Growing Upflow for 4 years

18:00 — Key figures

24:00 — Customers profile

28:00 — Product market fit

35:15 — Alex’s fundamental motivations to start Upflow

45:00 — People’s journey

52:00 — Give-back culture

57:00 — Defining entrepreneurship

58:30 — Choosing a board member

1:00:30 — Advice to entrepreneurs getting started

cta for webinar

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